BBC School Report - Open evening 

This evening we shall be reporting on the Year 6 Open Evening.

Keep checking back here for stories and photographs written by the students!


Music Report


At 6:30pm, in PA2, the ‘swing band’ were performing a variety of songs for year six students and their parents. They were conducted by Mr Lanzillotti, one of the dynamic music teachers here at Selby High. Miss Cant, the other amazing music teacher here at Selby High, joined in with the band playing the saxophone. Along with students such as Chester, Elliot and Mark.

As well as the band, there were other students simply enjoying the free time to play their instruments. As well the students enjoying time to jam, they also sat and listened to the swing band.

Quotes from some students helping out in music:

‘The band was really good but we can’t wait to play next!’- Jamie Richardson

‘The atmosphere is ecstatic!’- Mark Redmond 



Our science school report.

This evening students and visitors in the Science lab have been setting teachers and other students on fire!

The teacher, Mr Lewis, had bubbles scooped on his hands and a student set fire to the bubbles and it made a big explosion of fire.

The volunteer students were Kyra and Lauren


Interview with Mr Milson

Tonight in Science (SC4), we interviewed Mr Millson who explained what the newly inspired year 6’s were up to in our science department. They were fire writing and using sodium nitrate to write their names on a sheet of paper. They would use sodium nitrate to write their name on a sheet, dry it with a hairdryer and then using a splint from a bunsen burner to burn out the sodium to make a hole where their name was written. Magic!

Our personal favourite ( and clearly the visitors favourite attraction too ) was one of the science teacher doing crazy different experiments. The students spoke to us saying they were looking forward to future experiments at Selby High! 



English report by Holly Pownall, Year 6


I’m reporting about English because it helps with everything. By helping you in your job, life, and generally helping you with everything. In Selby High they are creating a wall about your favourite books and authors so that they know who is most liked and who is not.


History Report

This evening we interviewed Miss Iqbal about her History class. We saw old pictures of the school and the first ever head teacher and the handwritten tracker reports from 1908! There were many artifacts from WW1 in one History room and in a different history room where they were playing Horrible History games and even investigating their own mystery of a  dead body and its remains.

Miss Iqbal said the activities were really good for year 6’s to see what they were going to do in year 7 and to just be able to have a good quick chat with each other about school learning and historic events through Horrible History games! 



Selby open evening at Selby High School written by Nancy Malarkey Year 6

On Monday 29th September 2014, Selby High School were holding an open evening.At the open evening  there were teachers and people from the school and community , they were lots of activeties related to subjects in the national curriculum that got children invoved. Some of my favourite things are the sports hall and the English / literacy .